Can Glass Blocks be a DIY Project?

Glass Blocks never seem to go out of style.  In the early 1800’s glass was cut and used in cellars and ships for light.  In the 1930’s machinery was used to manufacture glass block.  Of course showers and baths are the most common uses.  Daylighting is important today with trying to conserve energy. Glass blocks could be retrofitted in strategic places in a home or business.  They could be used for privacy in an otherwise open area.  Here are some good sites to view, has anyone tried this?

This site says installing glass block is not much harder than tile .

Door sidelights will provide light with privacy and security.

Building Blocks has reusable glass blocks at a great price.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Zack Nutter said,

    I am not a big fan of the glass blocks look but some people really like them and they are good for natural lighting

  2. 2

    buildingblocksintupelo said,

    I think they are great for daylighting.

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